Flower Garden Throw - Manta Jardim Florido

This throw will be a present for my grandaghter's third birthday. The idea was to make a little blanket, about 12 squares, but then I thought of making it bigger, so it will last longer, as she grows up. It ended up with 70 squares! Bravo, grandma!!! It was made with acrylic yarn, very soft, and in pinks, light purple,and white. The little flowers were a last minute thing, and I think they are just a wonderful and delicate touch.
Eu fiz esta manta para os tres anos da minha netinha. Comecei pensando em um cobertorzinho de 12 quadrados, acabei com uma manta de 70! Imaginei que iria durar mais tempo, acompanhando o crescimento dela. E feita com la acrilica em rosa, lilas e branco. As florzinhas foram um toque de ultima hora, ma acho que fizeram uma grande diferenca.


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