
Showing posts from September, 2011

"Zee"'s Hat - Gorro da Zee

This cute hat was based on Zee, a cartoon that my grandaughter loves. I think it came out quite similar, and my little one loved it! Este gorro foi baseado num desenho que minha netinha adora, a Zee. Ficou bem parecido, e minha pequetita adorou!

Owl Hat Family - Familia de gorros de Corujinha

These cute wol hats were a client's request. She wanted a set of three owl hats, with darker blue eyes, ear flaps and big enough to fit three month old babies. There they are! Very cute trio! Esta familia de corujinhas foi um pedido de uma cliente que queria olhos com um azul mais forte, e protetores de orelhas. Nao ficaram lindas?

Dog Fashion - Moda Canina

I know, I know you are probably thinking "Dog fashion?" Well, my doggy was cold, and I could not find his winter clothes. I have moved recently and who know where the dog outfits are! Anyway, long story short, I decided to make him a new outfit. Doesn't he look cute in blue? It is made with 100% acrylic yarn, and a lot of imagination! My doggy loves his new coat! Pois e, gente, agora estou fazendo ate roupinha de cachorro! Meu cachorrinho, um mini chihuahua, estava tremendo de frio hoje cedo, e nao consegui achar as roupinhas dele. Dai veio a ideia, juntei linha acrilica e muita imaginacao, e eis ai o danadinho, feliz da vida e quentinho. Nao ficou um xodo?

Hat and Neck Warmer - Gorro e Gola

For a change I am posting an adult hat with a matching neck warmer. Super soft yarn, and a beautiful texture made this set a must-have. The neck warmer has a different flower, that closes without any extra buttons. Just slide the big flower in the loop in the other flower and you have it ! The hat has a charming flower on the side. Pra variar um conjunto para gente grande, formado por gorro e gola. A la usada e super macia, e tem uma textura unica. A golinha e fechada passando a flor maior dentro do circulo que forma o miolo da flor menor. O gorro tem uma flor charmosa. E um conjunto que todo mundo precisa ter!

Rainbow scarf - Cachecol arco-iris

This is the true rainbow scarf, with a myriad of colors and a beautiful flower to finish. The colors work very well together, for a very pleasant and elegant effect. Este e o verdadeiro arco-iris, com muitas cores e um acabamento floral lindo. As cores ficaram lindas juntas, dando um efeito elegante e alegre.

Blue Rainbow scarf - Cachecol arco iris Azul

Another rainbow scarf, this time in beautiful blues. Again 100% acrylic yarn was used in this scarf. Elegant, a show-stopper! Olha so que lindo estecachecol em azuis! La acrilica e muita criatividade foram usadas nele.

Purple Rainbow scarf - Cachecol Arco-iris lilas

Here is another rainbow scarf, this time in purple. Acrylic yarn, soft, elegant, and very pretty! Outro cachecol arco-iris , desta vez em tons de lilas. La acrilica, macia, elegante e tao lindo!

Rainbow Scarf - Cachecol Arco-iris

For a change, a scarf. This scarf was named rainbow, because of the multiple colors. I will post other colors soon. This scarf is made with acrylic yarn. It is warm and elegant! Para variar, um cachecol! Este e feito com la acrilica, e varias cores. Elegante e quentinho!

Owl hat - Gorro de corujinha

Who doesn't love a little brown owl, with huge blue eyes? As usual, I have used 100%acrylic yarn, and lots of love! Olha esta corujinha marronzinha com estes olhoes azuis! Ela feita com la acrilica e muito carinho.

Baby Ear Warmers = Faixa para Bebes

Those baby ear warmers are a combination of warmth and elegance. Acrylic yarn, and pink! Those are for infants, but I can make them any size. Faixa para bebes, quentinhas e elegantes. Este tamanho e para bebezinhas, mas faco qualquer tamanho.

Peep-peep hat - Gorro Pintinho amarelinho

Here is the Peep-peep family, all in acrylic yarn and showing a lot of attitude. They are a big hit with my costumers. Aqui esta a familia pintinho amarelinho. Todos feitos com la acrilica e mostrando todo seu charme. Estes gorros tem sido uma grande atracao!

Flower Garden Throw - Manta Jardim Florido

This throw will be a present for my grandaghter's third birthday. The idea was to make a little blanket, about 12 squares, but then I thought of making it bigger, so it will last longer, as she grows up. It ended up with 70 squares! Bravo, grandma!!! It was made with acrylic yarn, very soft, and in pinks, light purple,and white. The little flowers were a last minute thing, and I think they are just a wonderful and delicate touch. Eu fiz esta manta para os tres anos da minha netinha. Comecei pensando em um cobertorzinho de 12 quadrados, acabei com uma manta de 70! Imaginei que iria durar mais tempo, acompanhando o crescimento dela. E feita com la acrilica em rosa, lilas e branco. As florzinhas foram um toque de ultima hora, ma acho que fizeram uma grande diferenca.